azure.cosmos.container Azure SDK for Python 2.0.0 documentation

 # The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. """Create, read, update and delete items in the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API service. """ from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union, Iterable, cast # pylint: disable=unused-import import six from azure.core.tracing.decorator import distributed_trace # type: ignore from ._cosmos_client_connection import CosmosClientConnection from ._base import build_options from .exceptions import CosmosResourceNotFoundError from .http_constants import StatusCodes from .offer import Offer from .scripts import ScriptsProxy from .partition_key import NonePartitionKeyValue __all__ = ("ContainerProxy",) # pylint: disable=protected-access # pylint: disable=missing-client-constructor-parameter-credential,missing-client-constructor-parameter-kwargs [docs]class ContainerProxy(object): """  An interface to interact with a specific DB Container.  This class should not be instantiated directly, use :func:`DatabaseProxy.get_container_client` method.  A container in an Azure Cosmos DB SQL API database is a collection of documents,  each of which represented as an Item.  :ivar str id: ID (name) of the container  :ivar str session_token: The session token for the container.  .. note::  To create a new container in an existing database, use :func:`Database.create_container`.  """ def __init__(self, client_connection, database_link, id, properties=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin # type: (CosmosClientConnection, str, str, Dict[str, Any]) -> None self.client_connection = client_connection = id self._properties = properties self.container_link = u"{}/colls/{}".format(database_link, self._is_system_key = None self._scripts = None # type: Optional[ScriptsProxy] def __repr__(self): # type () -> str return "<ContainerProxy [{}]>".format(self.container_link)[:1024] def _get_properties(self): # type: () -> Dict[str, Any] if self._properties is None: self._properties = return self._properties @property def is_system_key(self): # type: () -> bool if self._is_system_key is None: properties = self._get_properties() self._is_system_key = ( properties["partitionKey"]["systemKey"] if "systemKey" in properties["partitionKey"] else False ) return cast('bool', self._is_system_key) @property def scripts(self): # type: () -> ScriptsProxy if self._scripts is None: self._scripts = ScriptsProxy(self.client_connection, self.container_link, self.is_system_key) return cast('ScriptsProxy', self._scripts) def _get_document_link(self, item_or_link): # type: (Union[Dict[str, Any], str]) -> str if isinstance(item_or_link, six.string_types): return u"{}/docs/{}".format(self.container_link, item_or_link) return item_or_link["_self"] def _get_conflict_link(self, conflict_or_link): # type: (Union[Dict[str, Any], str]) -> str if isinstance(conflict_or_link, six.string_types): return u"{}/conflicts/{}".format(self.container_link, conflict_or_link) return conflict_or_link["_self"] def _set_partition_key(self, partition_key): if partition_key == NonePartitionKeyValue: return CosmosClientConnection._return_undefined_or_empty_partition_key(self.is_system_key) return partition_key [docs] @distributed_trace def read( self, populate_query_metrics=None, # type: Optional[bool] populate_partition_key_range_statistics=None, # type: Optional[bool] populate_quota_info=None, # type: Optional[bool] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Dict[str, Any] """Read the container properties.  :param populate_query_metrics: Enable returning query metrics in response headers.  :param populate_partition_key_range_statistics: Enable returning partition key  range statistics in response headers.  :param populate_quota_info: Enable returning collection storage quota information in response headers.  :keyword str session_token: Token for use with Session consistency.  :keyword dict[str,str] initial_headers: Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: Raised if the container couldn't be retrieved.  This includes if the container does not exist.  :returns: Dict representing the retrieved container.  :rtype: dict[str, Any]  """ request_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) if populate_query_metrics is not None: request_options["populateQueryMetrics"] = populate_query_metrics if populate_partition_key_range_statistics is not None: request_options["populatePartitionKeyRangeStatistics"] = populate_partition_key_range_statistics if populate_quota_info is not None: request_options["populateQuotaInfo"] = populate_quota_info collection_link = self.container_link self._properties = self.client_connection.ReadContainer( collection_link, options=request_options, **kwargs ) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, self._properties) return cast('Dict[str, Any]', self._properties) [docs] @distributed_trace def read_item( self, item, # type: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]] partition_key, # type: Any populate_query_metrics=None, # type: Optional[bool] post_trigger_include=None, # type: Optional[str] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Dict[str, str] """Get the item identified by `item`.  :param item: The ID (name) or dict representing item to retrieve.  :param partition_key: Partition key for the item to retrieve.  :param populate_query_metrics: Enable returning query metrics in response headers.  :param post_trigger_include: trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.  :keyword str session_token: Token for use with Session consistency.  :keyword dict[str,str] initial_headers: Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :returns: Dict representing the item to be retrieved.  :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: The given item couldn't be retrieved.  :rtype: dict[str, Any]  .. admonition:: Example:  .. literalinclude:: ../samples/  :start-after: [START update_item]  :end-before: [END update_item]  :language: python  :dedent: 0  :caption: Get an item from the database and update one of its properties:  :name: update_item  """ doc_link = self._get_document_link(item) request_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) if partition_key is not None: request_options["partitionKey"] = self._set_partition_key(partition_key) if populate_query_metrics is not None: request_options["populateQueryMetrics"] = populate_query_metrics if post_trigger_include is not None: request_options["postTriggerInclude"] = post_trigger_include result = self.client_connection.ReadItem(document_link=doc_link, options=request_options, **kwargs) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, result) return result [docs] @distributed_trace def read_all_items( self, max_item_count=None, # type: Optional[int] populate_query_metrics=None, # type: Optional[bool] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]] """List all items in the container.  :param max_item_count: Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.  :param populate_query_metrics: Enable returning query metrics in response headers.  :keyword str session_token: Token for use with Session consistency.  :keyword dict[str,str] initial_headers: Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :returns: An Iterable of items (dicts).  :rtype: Iterable[dict[str, Any]]  """ feed_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) if max_item_count is not None: feed_options["maxItemCount"] = max_item_count if populate_query_metrics is not None: feed_options["populateQueryMetrics"] = populate_query_metrics if hasattr(response_hook, "clear"): response_hook.clear() items = self.client_connection.ReadItems( collection_link=self.container_link, feed_options=feed_options, response_hook=response_hook, **kwargs ) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, items) return items [docs] @distributed_trace def query_items_change_feed( self, partition_key_range_id=None, # type: Optional[str] is_start_from_beginning=False, # type: bool continuation=None, # type: Optional[str] max_item_count=None, # type: Optional[int] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]] """Get a sorted list of items that were changed, in the order in which they were modified.  :param partition_key_range_id: ChangeFeed requests can be executed against specific partition key ranges.  This is used to process the change feed in parallel across multiple consumers.  :param is_start_from_beginning: Get whether change feed should start from  beginning (true) or from current (false). By default it's start from current (false).  :param continuation: e_tag value to be used as continuation for reading change feed.  :param max_item_count: Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :returns: An Iterable of items (dicts).  :rtype: Iterable[dict[str, Any]]  """ feed_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) if partition_key_range_id is not None: feed_options["partitionKeyRangeId"] = partition_key_range_id if is_start_from_beginning is not None: feed_options["isStartFromBeginning"] = is_start_from_beginning if max_item_count is not None: feed_options["maxItemCount"] = max_item_count if continuation is not None: feed_options["continuation"] = continuation if hasattr(response_hook, "clear"): response_hook.clear() result = self.client_connection.QueryItemsChangeFeed( self.container_link, options=feed_options, response_hook=response_hook, **kwargs ) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, result) return result [docs] @distributed_trace def query_items( self, query, # type: str parameters=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] partition_key=None, # type: Optional[Any] enable_cross_partition_query=None, # type: Optional[bool] max_item_count=None, # type: Optional[int] enable_scan_in_query=None, # type: Optional[bool] populate_query_metrics=None, # type: Optional[bool] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]] """Return all results matching the given `query`.  You can use any value for the container name in the FROM clause, but typically the container name is used.  In the examples below, the container name is "products," and is aliased as "p" for easier referencing  in the WHERE clause.  :param query: The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.  :param parameters: Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.  :param partition_key: Specifies the partition key value for the item.  :param enable_cross_partition_query: Allows sending of more than one request to  execute the query in the Azure Cosmos DB service.  More than one request is necessary if the query is not scoped to single partition key value.  :param max_item_count: Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.  :param enable_scan_in_query: Allow scan on the queries which couldn't be served as  indexing was opted out on the requested paths.  :param populate_query_metrics: Enable returning query metrics in response headers.  :keyword str session_token: Token for use with Session consistency.  :keyword dict[str,str] initial_headers: Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :returns: An Iterable of items (dicts).  :rtype: Iterable[dict[str, Any]]  .. admonition:: Example:  .. literalinclude:: ../samples/  :start-after: [START query_items]  :end-before: [END query_items]  :language: python  :dedent: 0  :caption: Get all products that have not been discontinued:  :name: query_items  .. literalinclude:: ../samples/  :start-after: [START query_items_param]  :end-before: [END query_items_param]  :language: python  :dedent: 0  :caption: Parameterized query to get all products that have been discontinued:  :name: query_items_param  """ feed_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) if enable_cross_partition_query is not None: feed_options["enableCrossPartitionQuery"] = enable_cross_partition_query if max_item_count is not None: feed_options["maxItemCount"] = max_item_count if populate_query_metrics is not None: feed_options["populateQueryMetrics"] = populate_query_metrics if partition_key is not None: feed_options["partitionKey"] = self._set_partition_key(partition_key) if enable_scan_in_query is not None: feed_options["enableScanInQuery"] = enable_scan_in_query if hasattr(response_hook, "clear"): response_hook.clear() items = self.client_connection.QueryItems( database_or_container_link=self.container_link, query=query if parameters is None else dict(query=query, parameters=parameters), options=feed_options, partition_key=partition_key, response_hook=response_hook, **kwargs ) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, items) return items [docs] @distributed_trace def replace_item( self, item, # type: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]] body, # type: Dict[str, Any] populate_query_metrics=None, # type: Optional[bool] pre_trigger_include=None, # type: Optional[str] post_trigger_include=None, # type: Optional[str] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Dict[str, str] """Replaces the specified item if it exists in the container.  :param item: The ID (name) or dict representing item to be replaced.  :param body: A dict-like object representing the item to replace.  :param populate_query_metrics: Enable returning query metrics in response headers.  :param pre_trigger_include: trigger id to be used as pre operation trigger.  :param post_trigger_include: trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.  :keyword str session_token: Token for use with Session consistency.  :keyword dict[str,str] initial_headers: Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.  :keyword str etag: An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Used to check if the resource  has changed, and act according to the condition specified by the `match_condition` parameter.  :keyword ~azure.core.MatchConditions match_condition: The match condition to use upon the etag.  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :returns: A dict representing the item after replace went through.  :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: The replace failed or the item with  given id does not exist.  :rtype: dict[str, Any]  """ item_link = self._get_document_link(item) request_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) request_options["disableIdGeneration"] = True if populate_query_metrics is not None: request_options["populateQueryMetrics"] = populate_query_metrics if pre_trigger_include is not None: request_options["preTriggerInclude"] = pre_trigger_include if post_trigger_include is not None: request_options["postTriggerInclude"] = post_trigger_include result = self.client_connection.ReplaceItem( document_link=item_link, new_document=body, options=request_options, **kwargs ) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, result) return result [docs] @distributed_trace def upsert_item( self, body, # type: Dict[str, Any] populate_query_metrics=None, # type: Optional[bool] pre_trigger_include=None, # type: Optional[str] post_trigger_include=None, # type: Optional[str] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Dict[str, str] """Insert or update the specified item.  If the item already exists in the container, it is replaced. If it does not, it is inserted.  :param body: A dict-like object representing the item to update or insert.  :param populate_query_metrics: Enable returning query metrics in response headers.  :param pre_trigger_include: trigger id to be used as pre operation trigger.  :param post_trigger_include: trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.  :keyword str session_token: Token for use with Session consistency.  :keyword dict[str,str] initial_headers: Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.  :keyword str etag: An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Used to check if the resource  has changed, and act according to the condition specified by the `match_condition` parameter.  :keyword ~azure.core.MatchConditions match_condition: The match condition to use upon the etag.  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :returns: A dict representing the upserted item.  :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: The given item could not be upserted.  :rtype: dict[str, Any]  """ request_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) request_options["disableIdGeneration"] = True if populate_query_metrics is not None: request_options["populateQueryMetrics"] = populate_query_metrics if pre_trigger_include is not None: request_options["preTriggerInclude"] = pre_trigger_include if post_trigger_include is not None: request_options["postTriggerInclude"] = post_trigger_include result = self.client_connection.UpsertItem( database_or_container_link=self.container_link, document=body, **kwargs) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, result) return result [docs] @distributed_trace def create_item( self, body, # type: Dict[str, Any] populate_query_metrics=None, # type: Optional[bool] pre_trigger_include=None, # type: Optional[str] post_trigger_include=None, # type: Optional[str] indexing_directive=None, # type: Optional[Any] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Dict[str, str] """Create an item in the container.  To update or replace an existing item, use the :func:`ContainerProxy.upsert_item` method.  :param body: A dict-like object representing the item to create.  :param populate_query_metrics: Enable returning query metrics in response headers.  :param pre_trigger_include: trigger id to be used as pre operation trigger.  :param post_trigger_include: trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.  :param indexing_directive: Indicate whether the document should be omitted from indexing.  :keyword str session_token: Token for use with Session consistency.  :keyword dict[str,str] initial_headers: Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.  :keyword str etag: An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Used to check if the resource  has changed, and act according to the condition specified by the `match_condition` parameter.  :keyword ~azure.core.MatchConditions match_condition: The match condition to use upon the etag.  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :returns: A dict representing the new item.  :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: Item with the given ID already exists.  :rtype: dict[str, Any]  """ request_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) request_options["disableAutomaticIdGeneration"] = True if populate_query_metrics: request_options["populateQueryMetrics"] = populate_query_metrics if pre_trigger_include is not None: request_options["preTriggerInclude"] = pre_trigger_include if post_trigger_include is not None: request_options["postTriggerInclude"] = post_trigger_include if indexing_directive is not None: request_options["indexingDirective"] = indexing_directive result = self.client_connection.CreateItem( database_or_container_link=self.container_link, document=body, options=request_options, **kwargs ) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, result) return result [docs] @distributed_trace def delete_item( self, item, # type: Union[Dict[str, Any], str] partition_key, # type: Any populate_query_metrics=None, # type: Optional[bool] pre_trigger_include=None, # type: Optional[str] post_trigger_include=None, # type: Optional[str] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> None """Delete the specified item from the container.  :param item: The ID (name) or dict representing item to be deleted.  :param partition_key: Specifies the partition key value for the item.  :param populate_query_metrics: Enable returning query metrics in response headers.  :param pre_trigger_include: trigger id to be used as pre operation trigger.  :param post_trigger_include: trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.  :keyword str session_token: Token for use with Session consistency.  :keyword dict[str,str] initial_headers: Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.  :keyword str etag: An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Used to check if the resource  has changed, and act according to the condition specified by the `match_condition` parameter.  :keyword ~azure.core.MatchConditions match_condition: The match condition to use upon the etag.  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: The item wasn't deleted successfully.  :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosResourceNotFoundError: The item does not exist in the container.  :rtype: None  """ request_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) if partition_key is not None: request_options["partitionKey"] = self._set_partition_key(partition_key) if populate_query_metrics is not None: request_options["populateQueryMetrics"] = populate_query_metrics if pre_trigger_include is not None: request_options["preTriggerInclude"] = pre_trigger_include if post_trigger_include is not None: request_options["postTriggerInclude"] = post_trigger_include document_link = self._get_document_link(item) result = self.client_connection.DeleteItem(document_link=document_link, options=request_options, **kwargs) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, result) [docs] @distributed_trace def read_offer(self, **kwargs): # type: (Any) -> Offer """Read the Offer object for this container.  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :returns: Offer for the container.  :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: No offer exists for the container or  the offer could not be retrieved.  :rtype: ~azure.cosmos.Offer  """ response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) properties = self._get_properties() link = properties["_self"] query_spec = { "query": "SELECT * FROM root r WHERE r.resource=@link", "parameters": [{"name": "@link", "value": link}], } offers = list(self.client_connection.QueryOffers(query_spec, **kwargs)) if not offers: raise CosmosResourceNotFoundError( status_code=StatusCodes.NOT_FOUND, message="Could not find Offer for container " + self.container_link) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, offers) return Offer(offer_throughput=offers[0]["content"]["offerThroughput"], properties=offers[0]) [docs] @distributed_trace def replace_throughput(self, throughput, **kwargs): # type: (int, Any) -> Offer """Replace the container's throughput.  :param throughput: The throughput to be set (an integer).  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :returns: Offer for the container, updated with new throughput.  :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: No offer exists for the container  or the offer could not be updated.  :rtype: ~azure.cosmos.Offer  """ response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) properties = self._get_properties() link = properties["_self"] query_spec = { "query": "SELECT * FROM root r WHERE r.resource=@link", "parameters": [{"name": "@link", "value": link}], } offers = list(self.client_connection.QueryOffers(query_spec, **kwargs)) if not offers: raise CosmosResourceNotFoundError( status_code=StatusCodes.NOT_FOUND, message="Could not find Offer for container " + self.container_link) new_offer = offers[0].copy() new_offer["content"]["offerThroughput"] = throughput data = self.client_connection.ReplaceOffer(offer_link=offers[0]["_self"], offer=offers[0], **kwargs) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, data) return Offer(offer_throughput=data["content"]["offerThroughput"], properties=data) [docs] @distributed_trace def list_conflicts(self, max_item_count=None, **kwargs): # type: (Optional[int], Any) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]] """List all conflicts in the container.  :param max_item_count: Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :returns: An Iterable of conflicts (dicts).  :rtype: Iterable[dict[str, Any]]  """ feed_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) if max_item_count is not None: feed_options["maxItemCount"] = max_item_count result = self.client_connection.ReadConflicts( collection_link=self.container_link, feed_options=feed_options, **kwargs ) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, result) return result [docs] @distributed_trace def query_conflicts( self, query, # type: str parameters=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] enable_cross_partition_query=None, # type: Optional[bool] partition_key=None, # type: Optional[Any] max_item_count=None, # type: Optional[int] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]] """Return all conflicts matching the given `query`.  :param query: The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.  :param parameters: Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.  :param enable_cross_partition_query: Allows sending of more than one request to execute  the query in the Azure Cosmos DB service.  More than one request is necessary if the query is not scoped to single partition key value.  :param partition_key: Specifies the partition key value for the item.  :param max_item_count: Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :returns: An Iterable of conflicts (dicts).  :rtype: Iterable[dict[str, Any]]  """ feed_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) if max_item_count is not None: feed_options["maxItemCount"] = max_item_count if enable_cross_partition_query is not None: feed_options["enableCrossPartitionQuery"] = enable_cross_partition_query if partition_key is not None: feed_options["partitionKey"] = self._set_partition_key(partition_key) result = self.client_connection.QueryConflicts( collection_link=self.container_link, query=query if parameters is None else dict(query=query, parameters=parameters), options=feed_options, **kwargs ) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, result) return result [docs] @distributed_trace def get_conflict(self, conflict, partition_key, **kwargs): # type: (Union[str, Dict[str, Any]], Any, Any) -> Dict[str, str] """Get the conflict identified by `conflict`.  :param conflict: The ID (name) or dict representing the conflict to retrieve.  :param partition_key: Partition key for the conflict to retrieve.  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :returns: A dict representing the retrieved conflict.  :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: The given conflict couldn't be retrieved.  :rtype: dict[str, Any]  """ request_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) if partition_key is not None: request_options["partitionKey"] = self._set_partition_key(partition_key) result = self.client_connection.ReadConflict( conflict_link=self._get_conflict_link(conflict), options=request_options, **kwargs ) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, result) return result [docs] @distributed_trace def delete_conflict(self, conflict, partition_key, **kwargs): # type: (Union[str, Dict[str, Any]], Any, Any) -> None """Delete the specified conflict from the container.  :param conflict: The ID (name) or dict representing the conflict to be deleted.  :param partition_key: Partition key for the conflict to delete.  :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata.  :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: The conflict wasn't deleted successfully.  :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosResourceNotFoundError: The conflict does not exist in the container.  :rtype: None  """ request_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) if partition_key is not None: request_options["partitionKey"] = self._set_partition_key(partition_key) result = self.client_connection.DeleteConflict( conflict_link=self._get_conflict_link(conflict), options=request_options, **kwargs ) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers, result) 

